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Our Excavation & Trenching Safety Training Kit is a convenient and cost-effective training solution, perfect for in-house safety coordinators. This “Train-the-trainer” style kit is flexible for individual training sessions via computer, group sessions in a classroom setting, or out on the jobsite.

What’s Included

  • Software-based training program
  • Instructor course materials
  • Student course materials
  • Program outline and instructions
  • Quizzes and evaluations
  • Training logs and sign-in forms
  • Certificates and wallet cards

Why Choose DIY Training Kits?

Meets OSHA safety training requirements & CDC guidelines
Train employees in just 1 hour
Train any number of employees as often as you need
All course materials are easily reproduced
Convenient and cost effective

Excavation and trenching are among the most hazardous construction operations, with cave-ins posing the greatest risk. Other excavation related hazards include falls, falling loads, hazardous atmospheres, and incidents involving mobile equipment. Trench collapses cause dozens of fatalities and hundreds of injuries each year. This makes having an OSHA required excavation and trenching safety manual extremely important.

Excavation & Trenching OSHA Requirements

To protect workers from the hazards of trenching and excavations OSHA instituted a number of safety regulations (CFR 1926.650, 651, and 652) to protect workers performing excavation and trenching operations.

These regulations require employers to use the proper procedures and protective systems, and have in place a competent person and train employees on the dangers of excavations.

Protecting your employees from of the hazards associated with excavations and complying with all of the OSHA regulations can appear to be a complex and expensive process. You have either to develop a safety training program yourself or to outsource with expensive safety consultants.

  • Construction

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