Confined Spaces Safety Training
Help Prevent Employee Accidents with our Confined Space Training

Safeguard Employees from Injuries or Illnesses Related to Confined Space Entry
Confined spaces can be extremely dangerous for workers. The tight quarters can quickly lead to suffocation, poisoning. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) defines a confined spaces as any space that an employee can enter and perform work that both:
- Has limited means of entry/exit, and
- Is not designed for continued occupancy
That’s why OSHA has strict regulations governing the entry of employees into confined spaces. To ensure that employees are properly trained in how to safely work in these hazardous environments, OSHA requires all employers to provide Confined Space Training Programs for their workers.
Confined Space Products and Prices:

Confined Space Safety Kit For: General Industry or Construction
Duration: 1 hour
Level: Intermediate
General Industry Languages: English and Spanish
Construction Language: English only
Digital: $550.00
Digital and Hard Copy: $675.00
Description: DIY TRAINING KIT: COURSE A – Like the general industry confined space training kit, this kit gives your onsite safety personnel all the tools necessary to train employees on how to conduct a confined space entry – specifically for construction jobs. No internet connection is required and the course can be used and reused as long as needed. Materials include: Facilitator guides, student guides, wallet cards, certificates of completion, an interactive presentation, and training sign-in sheets.

Injury and Illness Prevention Plan Manual
Languages: English and Spanish
Digital Delivery: $600.00
Digital and Hard Copy: $725.00
3-Year Maintenance: $590.00
Description: MANUAL – The Injury and Illness Prevention Plan is a customized manual written to federal OSHA regulations or Cal/OSHA regulations for those in California. Pick from over 120 elective policies, such as confined spaces, to build a complete safety manual. Get the most up-to-date changes added to your manual as soon as a regulation is updated by opting into manual maintenance.

Prequalification Services
Languages: English and Spanish
Silver Seat Digital SafetyConnect: $100.00
Digital and Hard Copy: $125.00
Description: CHAPTER ADD ON – Working with a safety prequalification service provider for jobs that require confined space entry. We have experience navigating 30+ prequalification platforms. We help customers with ISNetworld, Avetta, PEC, and much more. Services include account maintenance, questionnaire completion and upload, custom health and safety manuals tailored to the specific platform, and much more.
Many different occupations work in and around these environments. The following table shows the 10 occupations with the most workplace fatalities involving confined spaces from 2011-18.

Manholes tend to have only one way in and one way out. They can have hazardous atmospheres that are oxygen-deficient or gases that can asphyxiate a worker. If there is too much oxygen, the atmosphere in the confined space could be flammable or explosive.

Grain silo dangers include fires and explosions from grain dust accumulation. Workers can suffocate from engulfment and entrapment in grain bins.

Excavation sites can have un-shored walls collapse, trapping workers. Other hazards include falls or falling objects, those related to heavy equipment such as pinching or crushing, or damages to utility lines.
Required Permitting for Confined Space:
Permit Required
There are permit-required confined spaces and non-permit required confined spaces. Permit-required confined spaces contain or have the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere. They may also contain materials with the potential to engulf someone who enters the space. Permit- required confined spaces could have a trench that might cause someone to be trapped or suffocate by collapsing walls.

Non-permit Required
A “non-permit confined space” is one that does not have an atmospheric hazard, or a potential hazard capable of causing death or serious injury. Examples of non-permit confined spaces are attics, housing crawl spaces, drop ceilings, ventilated tunnels, and equipment closets.

OSHA mandates that employees must be trained in confined space entry. Confined space training must consist of designating workers to have active roles in confined space entry. The types of roles can include:
- Entrant: The person entering the confined space
- Attendant: A person who stays outside the confined space with the ability to recognize hazards, monitor progress, and order evacuation should conditions become unsafe
- Entry supervisors: The person who oversees the job and determines whether it’s acceptable to proceed with an entry
- Rescuer(s): Personnel with emergency response training, meant to immediately respond to emergency situations. At least one rescue team member must have current first aid and CPR certification.
All workers must be trained in providing emergency services to rescued employees and keeping unauthorized personnel from attempting a rescue.
Workers must practice making permit space rescues at least once every 12 months. Practice rescues can be simulated operations in which they remove dummies, mannequins, or actual people from the permit-required confined space.
The many dangers and complexities of confined space entry make thorough training an absolute must. Safety Services Company offers training in multiple formats designed to keep companies and their employees safe and compliant.
Get Online Confined Space Training
Need to provide employees confined space training fast? Online confined space training might be what you need. Through our feature-rich content and learning management system, SafetyConnect. You can get confined space training and much more. From storage of important confined space safety and training records to conducting remote demonstrations of protective equipment. SafetyConnect provides a central location for all safety training and records.
Do-It-Yourself Confined Space Training
Need to train-the-trainer? Our confined space DIY Training Kit gives in-house safety experts the tools necessary to train themselves and others. The kit includes:
- An interactive digital presentation
- A facilitator guide
- A student guide
- Knowledge assessments
- Certificates of completion
- An attendance log
Confined Space Policy for Safety Manual
Successful confined space entry depends on a solid written program. Safety Services Company can provide your company with a custom confined spaces Policy as part of a larger health and safety program manual. Each policy is written specifically to your company’s needs.
Confined Space Prequalification Services
Are you working with ISNetworld®, Avetta®, Veriforce®, or any of 30+ prequalification platforms to land a contract with a safety-minded organization? Safety Services Company offers safety prequalification services to help companies meet prequalification platform requirements for confined space and other such safety topics. These services are not limited to but include:
- A consistently maintained health, safety, and environmental manual complete with a confined space policy
- A dedicated safety and compliance manager to support your business, review your prequalification needs quarterly, and maintain your prequalification accounts
- OSHA 300 log maintenance to meet annual reporting requirements
- Management of insurance documentation
Confined Space Toolbox Talks / Confined Space Safety Meetings
To reinforce a confined space training, companies must regularly talk about confined space topics. Weekly safety meetings and toolbox talks allow your employees to stay up-to-date with confined space topics. Safety Services Company offers industry-guided confined space safety meetings sent in weekly or biweekly installments. Choose from over 1000 topics, including confined space.
People working in confined spaces face life-threatening hazards
Confined Space Regulations
29 CFR 1926 Subpart AA – Confined Spaces in Construction
This covers all of the federal regulations regarding confined space entry, including permit-required spaces, roles and responsibilities the workers, rescue and emergency procedures and training requirements.
8 CCR 5156 – Scope, Application and Definitions
This California regulation covers the minimum standards for preventing employee exposure to confined space hazards, within such spaces as silos, tanks, vats, vessels, boilers, compartments, ducts, sewers, pipelines, vaults, bins, tubs, and pits.
8 CCR 5157 – Permit-Required Confined Spaces
This California regulation covers the requirements for practices and procedures to protect employees from the hazards of entry into permit-required confined spaces.
General Industry
29 CFR 1910.146 – Permit-required Confined Spaces
This covers requirements for practices and procedures to protect employees in general industry from the hazards of entry into permit-required confined spaces.
8 CCR Subchapter 4 – Article 37
This covers all of the California regulations regarding confined space entry, including permit-required spaces, roles and responsibilities the workers, rescue and emergency procedures and training requirements.

Confined spaces are usually broken down into two groups:
Non-permit Required
Permit Required
Cheyanne is very thorough and persistent in getting answers and goes over and above to ensure compliance. With so much going on, it is satisfying to know that someone is taking care of compliance issues. We pay dearly for the service and receive results! Thank you Safety Services!