Free Poster to Raise Workplace Violence Awareness
April 12th 2013
- Safety Culture
Zero Tolerance Poster Download
In order to raise awareness about workplace violence Safety Services Company is offering a free downloadable poster entitled zero tolerance.
“Violence in the workplace is one of the leading causes of death, yet it is entirely preventable,” said Safety Services Company Spokesman Michael Rich. “It is our hope that this poster will help spread the message about workplace violence.”
In 2011, the most recent year for which data is available, 780 workers lost their lives to workplace violence. The number represents nearly 20 percent of all workplace fatalities.
In addition to those who lose their lives nearly 2 million more Americans report being a victim of workplace violence each year.
Safety Services Company is a provider of occupational health and safety training and compliance materials. One of the company’s top product lines is “Do-it-Yourself” safety training programs designed to help companies meet OSHA requirements.
Yet despite violence being one of the top causes of deaths and injuries, Rich said that doesn’t translate into sales.
“Many companies only focus on the training that is required by law and unfortunately workplace violence doesn’t fall into that category,” Rich said.
The Zero Tolerance” poster Rich’s company is offering attempts to spread the message of how impactful workplace violence is on the workplace through a series of statistics.
To download the poster click here.
In addition to offering the poster, we’re offering 25% off our workplace violence training program all month.
We have complete OSHA compliant safety solutions for all your needs. Call (877) 754-9578 today to speak with one of our highly skilled safety experts about your zero tolerance poster download.