OSHA now offers RSS feeds of its news content for your reading pleasure. This is a great tool to keep up to date on recent updates and postings, as well as to take advantage of the extensive resources which often go unnoticed on the OSHA website.
For those of you who don’t know, an RSS feed is simply the technical name for a feed of information. It can help to get you the information you want without having to go to several websites to get it.
To read and subscribe to these feeds, you can either download an RSS Reader, or you can use your mail client to receive these updates. Click on the links below for tutorials on how to setup your Outlook to receive RSS updates :
- Windows Users (XP, ME, 2000, Vista, etc) (Microsoft)
- Mac Users (10.5.x+)- Using Mail to Receive RSS Updates (AppleInsider)
Currently the only RSS feed available is the major news releases, however more should be added in the future, according to Assistant Secretary of Labor for OSHA Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. These future releases can be found on the RSS section of the OSHA Website, located at http://www.osha.gov/rss
Additionally, you can subscribe to OUR RSS Feed while you’re at it!
Other OSH Related RSS Feeds :
- CDC (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health)
- USMWF (The Weekly Toll)
- Home Safety Council
- David Wright (IAmWright)
- General Safety (Yahoo)