Mock OSHA Inspection Checklist
The nature of our industry is such that people never even think about workplace safety until they have been inspected already, so we have to scramble and fight to re-build rules and precautions that should have been there from the beginning. Today, we’re going to offer you our mock OSHA inspection checklist.
If you don’t believe that OSHA Inspections can lead to big trouble, I suggest you take 10 minutes to browse the Bureau of Labor Statistics Website, Safety and Health Statistics page.
Have you ever wondered what would happen if you were to be inspected by OSHA? What areas would they focus on?
We’ve always offered this free tool to our customers and prospective clients and have complete OSHA compliant safety solutions for all your needs.
Call (877) 640-6571 today to speak with one of our highly skilled safety experts.
Related Links:
Top 7 Tips on Using the Census to Improve Workplace Safety