The proverbial pulse for safety at a company is its recordkeeping. More specifically, the number of injuries or illnesses occurring at a company provides a measure of how safe it is. Not all injuries or illnesses are the same in the eyes of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), though. Where some incidents are “recordable”, others are not. It’s important to know the difference, so you can provide an accurate estimate of safety in the workplace.
Inaccurate, or “over-reporting” of injuries and illnesses can negatively impact your business and could lead to increased costs and missed opportunities.
If you’ve got more than 10 employees, recordkeeping isn’t just an exercise. It’s the law. You must track recordable incidents and report them to OSHA.
Our OSHA 300 Recordkeeping: Quick Reference Guide will help you to get it right first time!